Tasmanian Sea Canoeing Club Inc.

1. Name

The name of the Club shall be the “Tasmanian Sea Canoeing Club” referred to in this constitution as the “Club”.

2. Objectives

The objectives of the Club shall be:

1. to encourage all facets of blue water touring;
2. to encourage and maintain high standards of safety and canoeing skills;
3. to develop specialised techniques and equipment;
4. to document and coordinate member’s canoeing and related activities;
5. to affiliate with such other bodies, associations or organisations as may from time to time be appropriate; and
6. to develop a Statement of Philosophy of Club canoeing activities and membership attitudes.

3. Membership

Club membership shall be open to any person who is:


(a) accepted by the Club committee, the committee decision being subject to appeal at any Club general meeting;

(b) prepared to accept the objectives and philosophy of the Club; and
(c) financial (other than a Life Member) i.e. has made payment of an annual subscription due in January at the start of the calendar year. Membership ceases if the subscription is more than six (6) months in arrears;


an Honorary Life Member. Honorary Life Membership may be conferred by the Executive Committee and ratified by a General Meeting of members upon a member who has given outstanding service to the Club and/or canoeing in general, provided that members be given one month’s notice of such intention.

4. Management

1. The day to day affairs of the Club shall be conducted by an Executive Committee which is responsible to the General meeting. The Executive Committee will be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall comprise the following office bearers:

1. Commodore
2. Vice Commodore (i/c Social Events)
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Programme Coordinator
6. Editor - Club Magazine

2. Other administrative positions to be filled at the Annual General Meeting shall be:

1. Mould Manager
2. Club Boats Custodian

Any casual vacancy on the Executive Committee shall be filled at a general meeting.

5. Quorum

1. A quorum for an Executive Committee Meeting shall be not less than four (4) office bearers.
2. A quorum for an General Meeting shall be not less than four (4) office bearers and not less than six (6) other members.

6. Expenditure and Investment

1. The Executive Committee shall have the power to make such expenditure and investment in the interests of the Club on any matters connected therewith, but shall not pledge the club to any payment exceeding $400 unless the consent of members at a General Meeting has first been obtained.
2. The executive committee shall arrange for the finances of the club to be examined by an appropriately qualified auditor at the end of each calender year. The auditor’s report shall then be presented at the AGM.

7. Meetings

1. The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held by the end of the first quarter of the calendar year preferably in March.
2. General Meetings shall be held at least once per calendar quarter.
3. Special General Meetings shall be called by the Secretary on his/her own initiative or on receiving a petition from at least five members. The meeting shall be called within fourteen days of receiving the petition and all members will be notified in writing at least seven days prior to the meeting, giving details of time, place and subject matter.

8. Constitution Amendment

The Constitution shall be amended at a General Meeting on the vote of at least two thirds of those financial members attending that meeting. Members shall have at least four weeks written notice of motion(s) to amend the Constitution.

9. Winding Up

The affairs of the Club shall be wound up at a special meeting by the resolution of a majority of the financial membership. In the event of the Club being wound up, the Executive Committee shall dispose of the Club's property and assets by distribution among financial members at the time of winding up.

10. Disclaimer

None of the Office Bearers or any of the Executive Committee or a trip leader or any member of the Club shall be legally responsible in the event of any person dying or suffering injury, while engaged in any of the activities of the Club, and no action shall lie against any one or more of them, nor against Club funds or property on account of negligence or otherwise of any one of them.

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