Tasmanian Sea Canoeing Club Inc.

The Tasmanian Sea Canoeing Club is an incorporated community-based association which aims to encourage all facets of blue water sea kayaking and touring. TSCC affiliated with Paddle Australia in October 2018.

Annual membership fees are $95 (effective 1 June 2024) and this includes $47 towards Paddle Australia and $21 to Paddle Tasmania which you will not need to pay if you are already a member of a club affiliated with either of these organisations.  Membership is managed on a rolling basis from the date you join the club.  

We are a 'peer paddling' club with around 100 members and we are happy to share our skills and knowledge with new members who wish to develop their skills; enjoy our beautiful coastlines and rivers; and become active and contributory members of the club.  Quite a few people contact our club seeking instruction and training and who are not really seeking to join a paddling club.  If this is you, we recommend you use an alternative instruction provider such as Roaring 40s or Paddle Tasmania.

Our members comprise a group of people who enjoy canoeing (kayaking) on many different water environs, particularly the sea and open waters.

Members offer their knowledge and experience on a voluntary basis and any person taking part in a Club activity, or using Club equipment, or acting on the advice of a Club member does so entirely at their own risk. All members should take the time to research and understand the degree of physical risk involved in each activity. Members should use all the required equipment and make sure that it works.

We organise and offer activities on our Club programme on the understanding that the organiser is a co-ordinator and not a leader. Each participant on a Club trip is responsible for their decision to participate and to make an assessment of the risk involved. We stress that on a Club activity each member has a responsibility for the safety of the group and should at all times be mindful of the safety of the group.

Activities listed in the Club’s programme will often have some indication of the expected difficulty or exposure, and the experience required of the participating paddler. This advice is given in good faith, but there is no such thing as a completely safe canoeing activity, and even those aimed at the inexperienced and on our most sheltered waters can become difficult or dangerous in adverse weather. Such weather is not necessarily predictable, and adverse changes can occur suddenly.

Members should participate whenever possible in any training, rescue and safety activities to enhance their skills and maximise the safety of their canoeing.

Above all, we share a philosophy of mutual benefit and co-operation in canoeing and related activities. Members organise trips and training to help other members and visitors gain enjoyment from the sport of canoeing and are pleased to share accumulated experience with those who are interested in taking up the sport. We trust that in turn these people will also make a contribution to the benefit, progress and success of the Club.

As well as reading the Club Philosophy (you just read it above) and Risk Waiver (see bottom of this page) we strongly encourage you to read our Frequently Asked Questions, Trip Participation Requirements and our Gear Requirements as these outline how we operate and who we are.

Potential members should be aware that you will need to attend a Club Introduction Day, unless participating on a trip as a guest of an existing member, before you can participate in any club trips. Club Introduction Days are run on an 'on demand' basis (see the Club Introduction Day link for more information).

If you have any more questions before deciding whether to join then please contact us and we will be happy to answer your questions.

Finally, in applying to join the Tasmanian Sea Canoeing Club Inc. you agree to abide by the Club Philosophy and acknowledge that you have read and understood the Risk Warning.

If you wish to join, please click on the button below which will take you to Paddle Australia's Go Membership system and sign up as a new member.  Once signed up, make sure you select and join the Tasmanian Sea Canoeing Club Inc.

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Risk Warning:

Sea kayaking is a dangerous recreational activity exposing participants to known and unanticipated risks, dangers and hazards. These could result in serious physical or emotional injury, even death; or damage to your own or others' property. Such risks cannot be eliminated without jeopardising the essential qualities of the activity.

The Tasmanian Sea Canoeing Club Inc. is an association whose members enjoy paddling open waters. The Club organises trips, training events and social functions. In doing so it is able to share its accumulated experience with those who are interested in taking up these activities. However, Club members do this on a voluntary basis only and any person taking part in a Club trip, or using Club equipment or acting on advice from a Club member or office bearer, does so entirely at their own risk. Club co-ordinators are not trained professional leaders.

In particular, trips listed in the Club's published programme will often have some indication of the difficulty or exposure that can be expected, and/or an indication of the experience required of a participating member. This advice is given in good faith, but there is no such thing as a completely safe trip, and even trips aimed at the inexperienced, and organised on our most sheltered waters can become difficult or dangerous in adverse weather. Such weather is not necessarily predictable and adverse changes can occur suddenly.

Participants in Club activities are responsible for their decision to participate and for making an assessment of the risks involved. It is everyone's responsibility to ensure their own safety. This includes ensuring their kayak is properly equipped and in a seaworthy condition; that appropriate equipment and clothing is carried and that they do not to endanger others by their actions or inactions.

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